eastPLUGGED® Media

eastPLUGGED® Media

eastPLUGGED P75® │ CD

3 Accordions, 19 Voices, 1 Conductor

27/02/2022Our Polish-German musical project P75® was created on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II and in appreciation of the following 75 years with peace, freedom and prosperity in Europe. In May 2020, the pandemic made it impossible to hold the planned concerts and CD release. In retrospect, our disappointment about this was completely insignificant, because since February 24, 2022 we unfortunately also know that our project idea should only be valid for less than 2 more years as again people die in Europe due to war. We hope very much and ask all responsible persons urgently to return to rationality, diplomacy and humanity.

side notice: 2022 our CD P75® was awarded and registered in the German National Library


When we presented the eastPLUGGED® concert of the MOTION TRIO with Leszek Możdżer in February 2019, the piece "Sounds of War" by Janusz Wojtarowicz, which musically symbolises the terrible events during World War II, was one of the most emotional pieces of the program. It became the starting point for the project "P75®".


With P75® we want to honour - starting from the end of World War II - the positive developments of the last 75 years in Europe - with peace, freedom and democracy - up to a European Union. Musically, this is achieved through the worldwide unique cooperation of 3 accordions [MOTION TRIO from Poland] with a 4-part chamber choir [RATINGER KAMMERCHOR under the conductorship of Dominikus Burghardt] and pieces from classical music to world music.


While the planned concerts had to be cancelled due to the pandemic, the recordings of the extensive rehearsals led to this CD, which is available online at 10€ (incl. postage/packing) via the following order form:

Order form


Ausschnitt "First Day Of Spring"

Ausschnitt "Little Story"


Luther │ CD

5 Improvisations of "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott"

2017 was considered as the Luther Year. It was commemorated that 500 years ago Martin Luther initiated the Reformation and with it profound changes in church, culture and society worldwide.

This was reason enough for the eastPLUGGED®Team to ask various musicians to present their improvisation on Luther's "hit" Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott in their eastPLUGGED® concerts. All guests who were there will remember 5 very different, outstanding, in any case UNIQUE improvisations.

A very big thank you for participating to

- Marialy Pacheco + Joo Kraus

- Martin Hederos, Johan Lindström, Dan Berglund and Andreas Werliin (TONBRUKET)

- Lars Danielsson

- Michael Wollny + Vincent Peirani

- Joachim Kühn with Chris Jennings and Eric Schäfer

For those who could not join these concerts, some short excerpts hereinafter.


Marialy Pacheco - Joo Kraus

Joachim Kühn - Eric Schäfer - Chris Jennings